WOW – The Fever Code


*excited waves*

I know what you’re probably thinking. No, my bookshelves did not finally fall over and squish me. No, I did not confirm that the world is actually flat and fell off the side of it in the process of trying to confirm that theory. No, I have not decided to live off of the land and therefore give up access to technology and the Internet for a year in order to rediscover myself. Why so quiet, you ask? I’m just getting back from an amazing trip to Brazil to attend the Paralympic Games. I scheduled a bunch of posts during that time and had the intention of picking up immediately upon my return, however an unforeseen complication (infection in my legs from bug spray – not pleasant) caused me to have to take a short, unplanned hiatus. I’m finally getting back into the swing of things here, though so woohoo for that. Now, onto the good stuff!

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature hosted by Breaking the Spine. This feature highlights an upcoming release that I am excited about.

the-fever-codeThe Fever Code by James Dashner

Release Date: September 27, 2016

Total Pages: 3o4

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Genre: Young Adult, Dystopia

Goodreads  •  Amazon  •  Barnes and Noble

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