I Don’t Want to Read That…

Dont Want to Read That

(PLUS – An explanation of why I have been MIA!)

As much as I pretend that reading and writing are my adult job and therefore nothing else matters – sadly that isn’t the truth. I do have an adult job that I am expected to wake up early and show up to at least 5 days a week.


This information is relevant to this post because earlier this year, a wizard eviler than I am captured my brain and bewitched me into thinking that pursuing a certification at work would be a good idea. I spent four days in April at a training, and then had 60 days to study and sit for my certification exam. First important thing to note is that I have not had to study for anything in about 7 years, so obviously… PANIC. Second important thing to note is that I was provided with an 834 page non-fiction educational book to assist with my studying. That is A LOT of pages. Even as a lover of words, that is A LOT OF WORDS. Furthermore, that is a lot of words that I DO NOT PARTICULARLY CARE TO READ BECAUSE IT’S NOT ABOUT MAGIC, OR WARRIORS, OR LOVE, OR ANYTHING FUN, so NOPE.

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I Went Rogue in the Bookstore…

Being Spontaneous

Last week, I did something a little bit C R A Z Y. I am a self-proclaimed time freak that is habitually early 100% of the time. Therefore, it should shock no one that I was 45 minutes early for an appointment. It should also shock no one that I decided to spend this extra time browsing around the super conveniently located Barnes and Noble right down the road instead of napping in my car to make up for my early wake up time to get to my 6 am Bikram Yoga class.

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Broke and Bookish Secret Santa

This year was the first year that I had my blog, thus it was also the first year that I participated in the Secret Santa that was coordinated by the wonderful ladies at The Broke and the Bookish! Yes, I do realize that we are way past Christmas at this point, but I took an unintentional hiatus from my blog due to holiday travel, craziness at work, and some things going on in my personal life. I could have foregone sharing this with everyone, but I had such a fun time with this, and I received such an awesome package from my Secret Santa, that I definitely wanted to make sure I gave credit where credit was due, and also to raise awareness so that everyone can think about this all year and definitely participate when Christmas rolls around again (seriously, it’ll be here before we know it).

Now, onto the goods!

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Merry Christmas in July!

Xmas in Julyl

I don’t know if the concept of Christmas in July is one that many people embrace, but I certainly do! This is yet another excuse for my family to get together, unplug, relax, and be utterly ridiculous. Each year, we choose a weekend as close to July 25th as possible, round up friends and loved ones, pile into our cars, and make a break from reality for a long weekend in the woods. During the weekend we decorate, we partake in a funny grab bag gift exchange, wear Christmas themed shirts, and enjoy Christmas cookies and cocktails! Since I’m in the spirit of Christmas, I decided to share a few awesome bookish gifts that I wish I was getting this Christmas in July. Hope you enjoy!

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Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

While I look forward to Memorial Day because it’s a weekend of friends and family as well as the kickoff of a weeklong vacation with my family, that in no way lessens the true meaning of the day for me. I have the honor of knowing many people who have served in various branches of the United States military, and while I have been fortunate enough to have never lost a loved one while they served, I know I cannot say the same for each of those same people that I know, and I cannot say the same for each person who may be reading this. Enough praise can never be given to those who risk their lives for the good of our country and our people, and not all of the words in the world could ever act as tribute to those who have lost their lives for us. I hope everyone takes time today to reflect. Never forget those who have sacrificed themselves for you, whether you knew them or not. Be thankful for all that has been done for you. Hug a solider or a veteran and tell them how awesome they are!

Now, to lighten things up a little bit… Continue reading

Random Thoughts – Remembering Childhood Reads

Random Words

Remembering Childhood Reads

Have you ever been going about your daily life and all of a sudden you remember something from your childhood? Maybe you smell a certain smell, visit a certain place, or run into a certain person – but whatever it is that sparks the remembrance, your brain is all of a sudden flooded with details? Recently, this has been happening to me a lot with books, and it’s AWESOME!

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