TTT – Must Have Merch!

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This feature has a different (usually) book related topic each week, and the goal is to compose a list of ten things that correspond to the topic!

This week’s theme is:  Bookish Merchandise that I Want RIGHT NOW!  

This theme is evil, because the answer to the question “what book merchandise do I want right now?” is always “all of it – duh.” To help whittle the possibilities down, I decided to focus on items that I would like to have in my non-existent reading room / library. We’re looking to move next year, and a room specifically for my books and me is a high priority requirement that I’ve laid out for the next house that we purchase. That being said, here are ten items that I’d really love to have for my reading room!

First… it is very important that I am comfortable while I am reading. Therefore, I would love to have this Slytherin pillow and this Hunger Games pillow that I can cuddle up with on whatever chair I have in the room.

Second… sometimes I prefer to lay on the floor to read. Chairs get boring, you know? And they can be restricting! Sometimes I just need to stretch out and take up all the space ever, so having this Harry Potter floor pillow and blanket would be perfect for those situations!

Third… I get really cranky if I don’t have something to drink when I’m reading. If a drink isn’t readily available for me, then most likely I’m not going to stop reading to get something, and then the next thing I know my mouth is the Sahara desert and I’m basically shriveled up like a raisin. SO…accessible beverages = very important. This Life Goals mug is hilarious and perfectly spot on. Each time I drank from it, not only would I hydrate, but I would be reminded of my goals and get to laugh too! I also need to have this Hermione Granger inspired stemless wine glass, because this one is also hilarious, and mimosa’s are delicious, practical to drink at all times of the day (I’ll fight anyone who says they’re just a breakfast or brunch beverage), and a perfectly acceptable beverage to sip while reading.  Every time I look at that glass I can hear Emma Watson saying this with the exact infliction that she does in the movie and I can’t stop myself from smiling and giggling. I’m also planning to say this all of the time when I’m drinking a mimosa.

*Puts down mimosa* What number am I on? Oh, right…

Fourth… I like to jot things down when I’m reading. Quotes, my thoughts, etc. It’s not that weird, I bet tons of people do it. PLUS, I’m also trying to write more in general. Like, I’ve been toying with this idea that I need to write a book, and so I’ve been carrying a notebook around with me at all times jotting things down that inspire me or spark my fancy. So, I’d feel way more badass writing in these Slytherin and 1984 notebooks than the glittery one I found in my closet that I am currently using. *Cringes* It’s like my childhood threw up on this notebook, I’m serious.

Fifth and last… the purpose of my reading room is going to be to surround myself in all things bookish! Therefore, I definitely need fun and awesome prints for the walls! This Raven Cycle framed print quoting Ronan Lynch is a must. Ronan is my spirit animal ( and absolute favorite character in the series) and since reading this quote I’ve started saying it whenever I deem it appropriate (which is basically always). Then of course the room wouldn’t be complete without some tribute to An Ember in the Ashes because that series is basically my life and I’m going to marry Elias, so this canvas is required. Plus, it’s inspiring!


7 thoughts on “TTT – Must Have Merch!

  1. Rissi says:

    There is SO much awesome merchandise out there. One of my favorite shops is EvieSEO (Society 6 – which you did feature here). She has amazing bookish stuff, all of which you can tell she creates with great fangirl enthusiasm. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cait @ Paper Fury says:

    Omg I’m flailing so much that you have my Life Goals design up there!! 💕 That made my day. 😂 I also LOVE that Slytherin pillow, omg neeeeed. I basically never buy book merch (I’d rather spend my money on books haha) but I Slytherin thiiiiiings. ❤ Also Ronan is 100% my favourite character too. 😍

    Liked by 1 person

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