I’m Still Here – I Promise!

Though it quite seems like I’ve completely disappeared – I promise you that I’m still here! A busy life schedule and annoying demands for work have put me on a bit of an unplanned hiatus for the past few weeks. Come next week, things should FINALLY calm down, and I can get back into my normal routine of blogging, reading (my reading has suffered, so, so much – biggest sad face ever), and not particularly caring about my adult job. Just wanted to take a minute to let everyone know that, and to say…

I'll Be Back

Talk to you all very, very soon! 

B&N Book Sale!

Just wanted to share the details of a sale that Barnes & Noble is having right now – $30 for 3 YA books, including free shipping! The selection is obviously limited, but they’ve got a lot of great books, including recent releases, included. The sale is running through June 27th. I may have purchased six for myself (eeek!). Enjoy!

Yay Dancing GIF